Eight authors will be participating in a book signing event at the El Progreso Memorial Library this Thursday, September 28th, from Noon to 5 PM

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian
Eight authors will be participating in a book signing event at the El Progreso Memorial Library this Thursday, September 28th from Noon to 5 PM
Rosemarie De Luanay Carr
Rosemarie De Luanay Carr’s biographical book, Paul Louis De Luanay, Artist, Musician, educator: An Old Word American is the story of one of Rosemarie’s ancestors whose tran-atlanic journey led from poverty to prominence. Launay is described as a “Multi-talented Renaissance Man.”
Bowie V. Ibarra

Bowie V. Ibarra, another author who will be participating in the Library’s book signing event has written several books including: Apocalypse, Texas Assassins, Down the Road, Holiday of the Dead, La Lchuza, Legend of St. Uvalde.
According to information posted on El Progreso Memorial Library’s Facebook page: “He was born and raised in Uvalde, Texas, to a school principal and a book keeper. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting and a Master of Arts in Theatre History. Bowie makes his home in San Antonio and hopes readers enjoy all his written works, and encourages everyone to network with him at his official website, ZBFBooks.com”
Charlene Peoples Fowler

“Introducing first time author Charlene Peoples Fowler, a retired teacher in Pleasanton. Charlene has written “LADIES FROM HELL” It is not about bad women but Historical Autobiography beginning with male Scottish Warriors who fought in WWI and WWII. It is their attitude that continues in the Peebles/Peoples family today. Their stubborn and fierce attitude is the reason that family has overcome many obstacles to survive throughout the generations. There are many other stories in the book which depict the battles that the Peebles/Peoples family has endured and triumphed. It ends with the story of Charlene Peoples and her personal struggles,” according to information by El Progreso Memorial Library.

Holli Fry
Holli Fry will be launching her new book Amena’s Quest at the El Progreso Memorial Library’s book signing Thursday afternoon September 28th.
“A young girl’s world is rocked by her mother’s sudden, serious illness. Remembering her great-grandmother’s stories of a KING WHO HAS THE POWER TO HEAL, she sets out to find this king. But can she travel there and back in time to save her mother?” (Information from https://hollifry.wixsite.com/books)
Patricia Bujard
In her author’s Bio, Patricia Bujard writes, “I’m an artist, writer, and full-time mommy of three. I help readers who are sick and tired of all the “bad news” in the news refocus, and rediscover our beautiful world. Together we can smile, we can laugh, and we can light little candles of joy in our lives, because life is too short (and too wonderful!) to live in the shadows.” Bujad is an author and artist. She will be at El Progreso Memorial Library’s Thursday afternoon book signing with her book, Dinosaurs Don’t Play Fetch.
Patricia Bujard picture credit: https://paleopetshop.com/
Lena Marina Garcia
Lena Marina Garcia is the publisher of the Uvalde Eagle News, a monthly news and commentary publication circulated in the Uvalde Area. Garica is the author of several children’s books, including, The Spider’s Christmas, Little Buffalo, and The Big Forest.
Lena Marina Garcia – Photo shared by El Progreso Memorial Library

Image credit: https://www.michaelearney.com/
Michael Earney
Michael Earney Picture Credit: https://www.michaelearney.com/ Michael Earney’s book: Entrades: Mexican Doorways
Michael Earney is a filmmaker, author and artist who has written 15 books, including one of his latest books, Entrades: Mexican Doorways
Visit Michael Earney’s website here.
Ben H. English

According to his official website, it reads, “An eighth-generation Texan, Ben H. English, was raised mostly in the Big Bend area and attended a one room schoolhouse in Terlingua. He served in the United States Marine Corps for seven years, taught a Criminal Justice program at the high school level and retired after 22 years as a trooper in the Texas Highway Patrol. He is also an honors graduate of Angelo State University with a BA in Government. Currently he lives in Alpine and writes on a variety of subjects.”
English has written several books including: The Uvalde Raider, Out There, Destiny’s Way, Black and White, and Yonderlings