Uvalde Hesperian

Migrants navigate the river and razor wire to come to the US near an Eagle Pass International Bridge

Men, women and children having just crossed the US/ Mexico Border are directed underneath one of the International Bridges where they sit and wait to be processed

Migrants stuck on a small island in the middle of the Rio Grande River appear to be waiting to cross or weighing their options as National Guard soldiers were adding more razor wire on the U.S. side of the river.

by Michael Robinson | Uvalde Hesperian (Report from Eagle Pass, Texas near one of the International Bridges) Pictures by Robinson

 With a report coming in of a large group of migrants heading to the U.S. / Mexico Border at Eagle Pass, the Uvalde Hesperian drove to the site earlier today to take pictures and observe the situation up close. 

 The last part of a large group of migrants composed of men, women and children were seen walking toward the U.S. International Bridge where cars and trucks could be seen passing overhead. Along the river coils of razor wire also called concertina wire lined the banks of the Rio Grande River with numerous law enforcement agencies represented including U.S Border Patrol. Texas DPS, the Eagle Pass Police, as well as members of the National Guard were seen patrolling the river on a dirt road that runs parallel to the river. 

 Fox News.Kens5 and other media outlets had cameras set up in an area near the river and the dirt roadway.  Along the roadway, discarded clothing including a pair of jeans with a piece of razor wire stuck in the fabric was seen near the roadway. Another reporter who was standing nearby spotted an ID card left on the ground from a citizen from Columbia. A worn out wallet. empty and a backpack was also seen discarded along the dirt road. 

 An area designated for media was cordoned off separated from the area underneath the bridge where dozens of migrants are seen seated as officials processed them.

Clothing could be seen draped over sections of the razor wire. A media representative said migrants would use the clothing to cover the sharp barbs of the wire and make their way through. 

 Another reporter told the  Uvalde Hesperian that earlier when the large groups of migrants arrived border patrol officers were seen cutting the wiring to allow people to pass through only to have the wiring put back up, National Guard soldiers were seen driving T-Posts into the ground near the fenceline and unloading additional razor wiring. Conversations between reporters on the scene were overheard, One reporter said several large groups had come through throughout the day and evening and more were expected.


Migrants seen wading across the Rio Grande River towads the United States Border near Eagle Pass

Migrants wait under one of the International Bridges

A boat could be seen patrolling the river

A boat could be seen patrolling the river

National Guard soldier stands with a M-16 Rifle near concertina wire

A family of migrants who did speak to the Uvalde Hesperian said they traveled a long way to get here

Migrant silhouettes could be seen under the deep shade of one of the International Bridges

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