Coyotes clinch victory against Crystal City Javalinas

Two teams with strong defenses clash but the Uvalde Coyoto offensive line was too strong for the Javelinas to contain

Uvalde High School Students in the stands

By Michael Robinson| Uvalde Hesperian

  The Uvalde Coyotes ended their second game of the season tonight with another win. this time against the Crystal City Javelinas. The Javelinas were able to put one touchdown on the board during the first half. 

  Fans packed the Honey Bowl and the atmosphere was brimming with excitement. 

  The Uvalde Hesperian made it to the game during halftime, and caught the second half of the game. Both teams had strong defensive lines. However, the Coyote offensive line was stronger and was able to gain yardage by running the ball for a good part of the game. The quarterback for the Javelinas did attempt several passes but most were incomplete. During the third quarter, the Coyotes were able to intercept a Javelina pass and claim the ball. 

  A timeout was called for an injury of one of the Uvalde players in the third quarter and for much of the second half, Coyotes played conservatively by running the ball and grinding out yardage while the Coyote defensive line kept the Javelina’s offensive line from gaining the yards needed for first downs.  Near the end of the fourth quarter with less than 5 minutes left on the clock. .the Coyotes did try to pass the ball but the play was incomplete. 

The final score of the game was Coyotes: 21, Javelinas: 7



Dude I Love Football
Coyotes 1st down 5:48 left in Third Quarter.

Coyotes take the field at the beginning of the second half

Coyotes 1st down 5:48 left in Third Quarter.
Coyote mascot takes the lead
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