Nearly two weeks after the U.C. Courthouse Fire, officials have not released any updates on investigation to the public

For a fire that led to the issuance of a local disaster declaration, should officials hold regular press conferences to update the public on the investigation's progress?

by Michael Robinson| Uvalde Hesperian

Video credit: Dolly Schultz; Photo Credit: Constable Emmanuel Zamora

  No new information has been released on the Uvalde County Courthouse Fire that was deemed intentionally set.  After Midnight, early Wednesday morning on August 9th, a fire was reported at the Uvalde County Courthouse.  Uvalde County Volunteer Firefighters arrived on the scene by before 1:30 AM  Uvalde County Constable Emmanel Zamora posted the following on his Facebook page at 1:51 AM,

“Uvalde Volunteer Fire Department is working an active fire at our Historic Uvalde County Courthouse (Downtown). Please avoid the area. VERY ACTIVE SCENE.

1:30 AM

UPDATE@ 1:56 am – FIRE CONTAINED. More damage noticed on the Northeast side of building. Tax Assesors Office. Preliminary reports.

: Uvalde PD”

    The Uvalde Hesperian has learned employees from a nearby downtown restaurant noticed  large amounts of smoke coming from the Courthouse.  One of the restaurant's employees. Sarah Anne Samford said she saw tons of smoke and then heard glass breaking and power lines popping shortly after seeing the smoke.  She went onto say she called 911.  At 4 AM, she received a call from fire investigators.

  Fire Investigators arrived later on the day of the fire from San Antonio and New Baunfels came to Uvalde to conduct an investigation.  For the rest of the week following the Wednesday, August 9th fire, the Courthouse was closed for the rest of that week.

   At the Monday, August 14th, Commissioners Court Meeting,  the Court voted to approve a motion for the local disaster declaration which was announced the week before to be extended for 30 days,

  The Uvalde Hesperian sent an emailed public records request last week to Uvalde County Judge Bill Mitchell  for a copy of the video footage from the courthouse hallway video camera at the time of the fire. The Uvalde Hesperian is still awaiting a response to the request. 

  As of Monday August 21st,  The Uvalde Hesperian asked Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco if there was any new information on the investigation.  He said, “No”.