Kimberly Rubio announces intent to run for Mayor of Uvalde

Former Mayor Cody Smith and Kimberly Rubio vie for City of Uvalde Mayor’s seat

 Kimbery Rubio announced Thursday July 27th edition of the Uvalde Leader-News her intent to run for Mayor of Uvalde. Her announcement follows Cody Smith’s announcement at last Tuesday’s July 25th Uvalde City Council meeting. 

  Both candidates will vie for the remaining term of Mayor Don McLaughlin who is required by state law to step down as Mayor after he announced his intention to run for the District 80 seat in the Texas House of Representative in the 2024 primary election to be held in March 5th, 2024.

 Uvalde City Council set a special election for the Mayor’s seat  to be held on November 7th, 2023.  The filing period for candidates wishing to run for Uvalde Mayor extends from July 26th through September 6th, 2023. Candidates filing packets may be picked up at the City secretary’s office during regular hours. 

  Kimbery Rubio is the mother of Alexandria “Lexi” Rubio, one of the 19 children who were slain during the May 24th, Robb School Massacre. 

  Rubio posted the following on Twitter, “I grieve for the woman you would have become and all the difference you would have made in this world. I grieve for the woman I was when you were still here. But, one part of me still exist, I am still your mom. I will honor your life with action. This is only the beginning.”

  Rubio currently works as an advertising account executive with the Uvalde Leader-News and before that worked as a staff writer/reporter. 

   In December of 2022, Rubio graduated with a Bachelor Of Arts degree in History from St Mary’s University with the distinction of Magna Cum Laude. From a report by KSAT 12: 

  Rubio gained national attention following  the May 2th, Robb School Massacre as an activist advocating for stricter gun laws in Texas and the United States,

   If elected, Rubio would be the first female Mayor for the City of Uvalde.   She would also join the Uvalde City Council with Steve Balke who was elected as a Councilman while working as Sales Manager for the Uvalde Leader-News. He has since retired but still serves on the Council. 

  Cody Smith previously served as Mayor in 2008 and re-elected in 2010 currently works as Senior Vice President Relationship Manager for First State Bank of Uvalde