Uvalde Hesperian

Parents: the first line of defense when thinking of safety and security

Our goal is to equip parents with the tools to tackle the complex issues their kids face every day.

Article and Pictures submitted by Emma Trimble

  Tuesday July 25th at 6pm, I will be presenting a community collaborative plan to the Uvalde City Council that will provide Parental educational classes to Uvalde families. The administration of the classes and organization of the training will be administered through Peace Ministries www.thepeaceministries.com Emma Trimble and local volunteers. The educational curriculum that will be used; The Parent Project www.parentproject.com specializing in helping parents of  at risk kids.

 While this is great news, I am sorry to report that  We lost another Uvalde teenager last weekend.  A 15-year-old young boy took his own life and there is information that indicates bullying could have been a significant factor in this tragic decision.  Additional information concerning this young boy can be found here:  https://www.hillcrestmemorialfuneralhome.com/m/obituaries/D-Edren-Tenorio/Memories

  Less than two weeks prior to this tragic event, both a 14- and 17-year-old were arrested for presenting a sawed off shot gun and a 9mm handgun with a silencer in an attempt to kill a man who was trying to retrieve jewelry they had stolen.

  We are looking for individuals that understand the fact that Parents are the first line of defense and the missing link in the safety and well-being of our children.

  Our goal is to equip parents with the tools to tackle the complex issues their kids face every day. This is a unique opportunity for you to share your concern for the safety of our children in a manner that reaches into the very core of negative generational cycles of violence and destruction.

Taking part in this endeavor will help to produce positive cycles into the generational lines of Uvalde families. Statistics reveal a reduction in dropout rates, truancy, and crime.

o   33% reduction in petitions filed for juvenile offenses.

o   Over 30% decline in minors on probation for any cause

o   20% reduction in drug-related probation violations

o   24% reduction in days spent by youth in detention.

o   The school dropout rate fell from 17 percent to 0 percent, and school expulsions plummeted from 72 to 0.

Become a trained facilitator. Help lead in this effort, help  strengthen families. Once funding efforts are complete, we still cannot do this without your help!

Please contact me with any questions you may have. If you are not sure about becoming a facilitator yet see the value of parental education in the Uvalde community, please show your support on Tuesday, July 25th Uvalde City Hall 6:00p.m.! Please help by leaving a one – or two-word comment on youtube .

My sincere thanks and may God’s best blessings be yours,

Emma Trimble
972 971 3702
Parent Project Texas
Peace Ministries is a 501c3 organization. All gifts are tax deductible.
Be Salt and Light | A Tree with Fruit | A Cloud with Rain

Emma Trimble of Peace Ministries and The Parent Project

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