Uvalde Hesperian

City officials approve half million dollars to Briscoe Animal Resource Center at council meeting

Article by Michael Robinson: Photo of Kelley Kimble by Robinson

Uvalde City Council Members voted to allocate a half a million dollars in two payments to the Briscoe Animal Resource Center (BARC) for a new animal shelter that will be built replacing the existing Humane Society of Uvalde current facility located at 127 South Camp Street.

Picture: Kelley Kimble speaks on behalf of the proposed new BARC facility

The 3 million dollar facility would provide additional shelter space for animals received and those waiting to be adopted as well as provide kennels for City Animal Control.

Mayor Don McLaughlin and Councilman Chip King spoke in favor of the proposal, – District 2 Councilman Hector R. Luevano voiced concerns over the city paying BARC, a private non-profit organization a half a million dollars of Taxpayer monies.
Luevano responded by asking why could the city provide more funds to the City’s animal shelter?

“I’m hung up on the half million dollars,” Luevano said.

Luevano continued by asking why couldn’t the City invest in the city’s animal shelter?

Councilman Chip King said he thought the city would be getting a good bang for our buck.
”You could not duplicate what they are offering you,” said Mayor Don McLaughlin

Diana Olvedo Karau spoke up stating the current animal shelter the city has is the worst in a 19 county area.

“This situation was created by the citizens of Uvalde,” Karau said.

Luevano responded to Karau’s remarks saying, “I don’t agree with you Ms. Karau.”

“It’s half a million over 20 years,: McLaughlin said.

The mMayor went on to say, “We’ve kicked the can down the road on way too many things,

“The building itself Is not in good shape,” Police Chief Daniel Rodriguez said.

The Council eventually voted to approve the allocation with Luevano casting the only Nay vote.

Business of the Council Report - Business of the Council Report-23-040 - Pdf

See related story here: https://uvaldehesperian.com/2022/10/25/humane-society-discusses-new-facility-and-uvalde-countys-stray-dog-problem/

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