June 12, 2023 – Uvalde CISD
Press release by Uvalde CISD
The UCISD Police Department will host and attend training the week of June 20-22 in our district. The department will undergo weapons training, including handguns, bolt rifles as well as AR training. In addition, the department will have Active Shooter Training, hostage recognition, rescue training, and entry and confrontation exercises in both closed areas, such as classrooms, and open areas, such as cafeterias and courtyards. The department will also get briefed in the Security Operations Center, which is currently up and running.
There will be vehicle training, which will include increased speed and approach techniques. There will also be simulated arms entry, including role-playing and firearm use.
All of the school training will be at Uvalde CISD Dual Language Academy, and we wanted parents and the community to know that simulated gunfire (blanks) will most likely be heard in the neighborhood and high-speed vehicle entry. The campus will be closed during this time period. Thank you for your understanding as we conduct these important exercises.
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