Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde’s Kelly Earnhardt competing for Favorite Chef Contest, hosted by famous Chef and CHEW co-host Carla Hall

With 9 days left, in the contest, Kelly Earnhardt needs as many votes as she can get to help her win the Favorite Chef Contest. 

Image Credit: Carla Hall presents Favorite Chef

Article by Michael Robinson

Kelly Earnhardt dreams of owning her own food truck. She currently works as the the Child Nutrition Director at Sabinal ISD in Sabinal, Texas. She is currently in 1st place in Favorite Chef contest hosted by famous Chef and CHEW co-host Carla Hall. She stands to win $25,000 and be featured in Taste of Home Magazine

In a interview posted on the Favorite Chef contest webpage she talks about her inspiration to cook.

“I work alongside a team of three wonderful ladies (Sister’s) who I have had the pleasure of teaching as well as learn from. Knowing how much our students enjoy our meals has inspired me to always do better and to cook everything with love. One of the life lessons my mother taught me who has always been my greatest inspiration and best teacher,” Earnhardt said.

Smoked brisket, homemade BBQ sauce, Spanish rice and pinto beans are her favorite dishes to make.

When asked what she would do with the $25,00o, she said, “No doubt about it the money would go towards a food truck to start our family business. We have decided to name it “La Gringona Comida”, this represents the gringa (white) in me and my wife tells me I am a tough woman so the chingona (tough) represents my attitude. I think it’s really funny and after all I am a Child nutrition director for a school district so I can visualize my logo of a tough looking woman with her sleeves rolled up showing off some muscle,” she said.

With 9 days left in the contest as of Tuesday, June 1th, Kelly Earnhardt needs as many votes as she can get to help her win the Contest.

Votes can be cast at Americas Favorite Chef


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