Agenda topics include Economic Impact Study of the Uvalde County Fairplex and items relating to the 2023 Tax Rate
Article by Michael Robinson
Picture Credit: Michael Robinson
The Uvalde County Commissioner’s Court will be meeting this Morning, June 12th, 2023. at 10:30 AM on the third floor of the Uvalde County Courthouse.
According the the agenda, the Court will consider and act upon the following notable agenda topics:
- Presentation of an economic impact study of the Uvalde County Fairplex
- Designating an official to caculate the 2023 tax rate
- The 2023 Uvalde County Tax Rate Calendar
- Presentation of first draft of 2023-2024 Uvalde County budget
- Presentation economic impact study of Uvalde County Fairplex
- Presentation of Texas A&M School of Medicine regarding Rural Medicine: BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE RURAL MEDICINE PROGRAM IN UNDERSERVED TEXAS COUNTIES
- Appointment of Uvalde County Emergency Services District ESD #2 commissioner
From: Kay Campbell, PO Box 317, Concan, TX 78838
To: Board of Directors, Uvalde County Emergency Service District No. 2
RE: Letter of interest as board member
Date: May 23, 2023
I am honored to be asked to serve the residents of Emergency Service District 2 in Uvalde County as a board member. I am a semi-retired pharmacist and live in close proximity to the fire station. I owned my own pharmacy for 10 years, and worked with inventory and management as well as budget for the pharmacy. Being semi-retired I have the time necessary to be available if needed.
I feel that with my knowledge of pharmaceuticals, that I could be helpful with the pharmaceutical stock that the fire department paramedics have or may need. I have been a pharmacist for 46 years, having worked in retail as well as hospital pharmacies. I look forward to the challenges ahead getting the ESD up and running.
Kay Campbell
