City holds press conference Monday May 22nd to discuss the Robb School 1st anniversary week

A Robb 21 Family Member being interviewed outside of the Civic Center following the Press Conference

 City of Uvalde officials held a press conference attended by state and national media networks to answer questions about the First Anniversary of the Robb School Shooting that occurred one year ago on Wednesday, May 24th, 2024. The Mayor of Uvalde was accompanied by Uvalde City Manager Vince DiPiazza, Uvalde CISD School Superintendent Gary Patterson and Baptist Temple Pastor Tony Gruben. 

Pastor Gruben led off with opening remarks. 

  In his remarks he stated, “We’ve had a difficult year. There is help and there is hope. God’s compassion is great.

  There is a need for one another to lean on one another to help one another. Even after all the years I don’t know what to say. Normally I just say I love you. I love Uvalde. I love y’all.

My prayer and my hope is through the darkest of times; I’ve never experienced anything this dark. Yet in my weakness I know God’s power is perfected in my weakness. My prayer is God’s presence and peace will reign. Allow people to grieve the way they need to grieve .”

   ”We’re here to support the families this week. We ask that you lift them up in prayer. This is about the family’s, the children and those we lost that day.” Mayor McLaughlin said. 

 It was stated by the Mayor this would be the only press conference for this week and City Officials would not be giving any interview. 

 Several reporters asked questions regarding the Memo that was sent out a week ago signed by the City and County elected officials along with Uvalde CISD School Superintendent Gary Patterson and District Attorney Christina Mitchell which was interpreted by many to mean, “Don’t come to Uvalde if you are media or from out of town.”

 The Mayor clarified the statement saying the intent of the letter was to discourage anyone from coming who might be  planning on disrupting the town or causing harm to the town. 

 The Uvalde Hesperian asked the panel why District Attorney Mitchell was absent from this press conference. “Where is D.A. Christina Mitchell? Where is the Governor? The D.A. was one of the officials who signed that letter. When will she release the information she claims to have about the Robb School Massacre? Does she even have any information or is she actually planning to proceed with a prosecution against any of the officers involved or is it possible she doesn’t have any information and is just bluffing?| 

Berlinda Arreola speaks at the City of Uvalde Press Conference Monday asking for privacy for the Robb 21 Families walk by the Murals on Wednesday

 The Mayor answered by saying this week is about the families and politicians were not invited to come to town. 

 Near the end of the press conference,

Arreola spoke to the panel clarifying the families plans that day. She stated the family planned on walking privately around the murals of the 21 in the City that afternoon. She asked that the media and others allow the family privacy and that they did not want any media present for their walk.  

 Later that evening, a candlelight vigil is planned at the Uvalde Memorial park beginning at 7:30PM later that evening where all are welcome to attend. 

 At 5:30 PM , on Wednesday May 24th,  the Prayer service will be held at the Uvalde County Fairplex. 

   Uvalde County Fairplex Director Wendy Speer provided the following information to the Uvalde Hesperian on Thursday May 18th:

“It appears that the May 24 Prayer Vigil being put on here at The Fairplex by the Ministerial Alliance has been rescheduled for 5:30 pm on May 24, rather than 7:30pm.  The program should last about an hour and a half.  From what I understand, no press will be allowed inside the arena, however, an ABC Affiliate will be on-site to share a feed of the event to press.”