Submitted by Emma Trimble
In times of crisis, leaders lead. As our community approaches the traumatic anniversary of May 24, city
and county leaders stood shoulder to shoulder for restoration and healing, pointing all of Uvalde to our
heavenly Father, the Divine Healer.
It started Thursday May 4th when Mayor Don McLaughlin and Judge Bill Mitchell embraced and
proclaimed a National Day of Prayer to ask God for His mercy and favor. Believers across our nation and
our county congregated that day, imploring God to do what only He can.
Rain and inclement weather could not detour Uvalde believers, united in faith, standing for healing and restoration.
“Our God has always been and will continue to be faithful to His people when they call upon Him no
matter the circumstances,” said Emma Trimble, President of Peace Ministries and Coordinator of
National Day of Prayer. “2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that if we humble ourselves and seek His face, turn
from our sin, He will hear us, forgive us, and heal our land. This is a well-known scripture among
Christians, but one has to wonder if we’ve missed the importance of being doers of the scriptures, not
merely hearers. However, Uvalde believers are being used by the creator of the universe to bring about
His will of hope and healing.”
Trimble continued, “I am thankful for committed, immovable intercessors standing strong for Uvalde! I
believe God is pleased,” she said. “May we continue to draw near to Him and He to us!” Trimble exhorts
all believers to pray without ceasing through and beyond May 24. “Let us call upon our God for the
families of Uvalde affected by this horrific trauma, and for those carrying this unimaginable pain and
sorrow. May they, and we, find healing, peace, and hope for better days. May we walk with compassion
and understanding, resting in communion with our maker. As Jesus says in Matthew chapter 11, “Come
to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” God the Father, the Son, and
Holy Spirit long to give us the Peace that passes understanding and the restoration that only He can