An Open Letter to Texas

Submitted by a grieving Uvaldean

An Open Letter to Texas:

Dear Texas,

  You failed us. You failed our community of Uvalde, TX. You failed the innocent children and their teachers, who were brutally murdered at Robb Elementary. You failed the families that have to navigate life without their loved ones. 

  You failed the children that had to abandon their childhoods and become adults early. You have failed the communities of Allen, Cleveland, Santa Fe, Sutherland Springs, Midland, Odessa, and El Paso. Most of all you have failed Texans. But why?

  Why did our town have to go through this awful act of violence? Why did the families affected not have their children come home? Why did the children in our community have to bury their classmates? 

  Why do the families in our community have to be scared to send their kids to school? Why do you constantly decline to act? Why is it a year later and still no change? Why are the students of Uvalde having to speak out against gun violence instead of our leaders?

  We are angry. We are devastated. We are in disbelief. We are heartbroken. We trusted our state to keep our community safe. We trusted that you would protect our community from harm. But you didn’t. You chose to put the interests of donors and gun lobbyists above the safety of Texans, specifically children.

  We demand action. We demand change. We demand that you take meaningful steps to prevent these senseless tragedies from happening again. We demand stricter gun laws, including background checks for all gun purchases, a ban on assault weapons, and limits on high-capacity magazines.

  We demand mental health resources for those who need them. We demand better school security measures. We demand our voices to be heard, and we want you to listen. We demand you give us more than just sympathy. We demand a safer Texas.

  We will not be silenced. We will not forget about the shooting or deceased. We will continue to fight for justice and change. We will honor the memories of those lost by taking action and making sure that no one else has to go through the pain and suffering that our community has endured. 

  You cannot give us thoughts and prayers and pass lenient gun laws. You cannot ignore the tragedies that have occurred in the state. You cannot tell us that we are being unreasonable. You cannot give us generic PR statements. Lastly, you cannot tell us “It could have been worse.” But you can give us change.

  Texas, it’s time for you to wake up and do something for the lives of our fellow Texans. It’s time to pass HB 2744 and other gun reform legislation. It’s time to stand up against the NRA and other gun lobbyists. It’s time for the state to be a part of the change that we want to see in our communities. It’s time to prioritize the safety and security of ALL Texans. 



A grieving Uvaldean

Eloy Barrera

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Norna Rodriguez
Norna Rodriguez
1 year ago

So well said. Thank for taking the time to speak up on something that has bothered and angered so many others. Hopefully our Texas leaders will take action and do something regarding the safety of others.