Uvalde Hesperian

State Senator Roland Gutierrez Issues Statement on UT Gun Safety Survey

Gun policy surveys continue to show bipartisan and GOP support for commonsense gun safety.

Press Release

Austin, Texas – On Wednesday morning, a new University of Texas poll revealed that 76% of Texas voters support raising the age to buy a gun from 18 to 21, including 64% of Republican voters stating that they agree. When asked what should be the legislature’s top priority, Texas voters rank the issue of gun safety second – higher than property taxes, inflation, and the economy. This news comes on the heels of a Fox News poll stating that over 80% of all voters support commonsense gun safety legislation.

“This isn’t some sort of Democrats versus Republicans thing. People from all over Texas and all across America just want to be safe from gun violence. Republicans have controlled Texas for three decades and in that time, crime, injury, and death by gun has skyrocketed. Time and time again, Republicans double down and loosen gun laws, selling the fantasy that more guns equals less crime. The reality is, the wrong hands having such easy access to guns has Texans worried about their safety and demanding change,” Gutierrez stated.

“Gun violence is now the number one killer of children in our country. Other states are doing something about it. Republican voters have told us time and time again that they want commonsense gun safety laws in place. But Republican leadership in Texas refuses to budge and our children continue to die. Every gun that finds its way into a criminal’s hands was placed there by Republicans like Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz.”

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