The last student Walk Out occurred over 50 years ago in the spring of 1970 over the firing of Hispanic Teacher Josue Garza and protests calling for equal rights for Hispanic community
Headline Picture Credit: Jennifer Gilliland

Report By Jennifer Gilliland- At approximately noon today several UCISD students participated in a walk out. The event was organized by a group of high school students determined to make changes regarding gun laws as well as more safety measures in our school. The students ‘walked from the high school, junior high, and Uvalde Elementary down Getty to the Plaza where they peacefully protested till 5 PM then walked to Robb.
Report by Michael Robinson: The Uvalde CISD School District sent out a statement to parents early Wednesday morning setting the rules and parameters for allowing students to participate in the larger National Student Walkout Protesting Gun Violence.
According to the statement, the district would allow for its students to demonstrate outside within the confines of the school grounds from Noon to 1 PM. At noon,however, the students started walking off the Morales Jr. High and Uvalde High School campuses and eventually climbed over fences and through the Uvalde High School Tennis court area to take their signs and actually walk beyond school grounds. About 75 to 100 students marched from the campuses towards the Uvalde Downtown area where they assembled on the Uvalde Downtown Plaza at 1 PM.
School District Police Chief Josh Gutierrez and another Uvalde CID Resource officer followed the students. According to Diana Olvedo-Karau who spoke with Gutierrez. She was told by Gutierrez that he followed the students to ensure their safety off campus.
Uvalde CISD Superintendent Patterson looks on as students protest on the Plaza
