An official statement was received this afternoon from Uvalde CISD regarding yesterday’s student walk-out event:
“On Wednesday, April 5th, Uvalde CISD had between 100-200 students walk off the Uvalde High School and Morales Junior High campuses with a current enrollment of 1,810 without permission. As a district, we will remain sensitive to gun safety issues and try to work with our students on an appropriate process for voicing their concerns over gun laws and safety.
Although each campus attempted to provide a safe and secure area for students to participate in the Student Walkout on campus, many chose to leave campus without checking out or getting permission from their parents or administration before leaving campus. We immediately engaged our Uvalde CISD Police to escort students participating in the Walkout to ensure their safety until they arrived downtown.
Interim Superintendent Gary Patterson has been asked if our students will face consequences for yesterday’s actions. We would rather focus on working with our students as partners and seeing what we can do to have student voices heard without facing some of the issues we saw yesterday. Mr. Patterson has been informed that these protests will be ongoing.
We will not enforce negative consequences on any of the students for yesterday’s actions. However, in the near future, if walkouts are called for, any student that does not follow administration, law enforcement, or teacher directions, and wants to leave campus without signing out or calling parents, will be held accountable for their choices. We cannot and will not allow hundreds of students to walk off campus each time any local or national group calls for action. That is not in the best interest of operational safety, security, or classroom instruction.
We ask parents to have conversations about good choices, following school rules, and trying to understand the difficult challenge these activities present in keeping track of and keeping all students safe under our care.”