Grieving mother working to raise funds to bring Angel of Hope statue to Uvalde City Cemetery

We hope you will help us help them by raising these funds to get HOPE to Uvalde so these families can feel the Hope & Healing and peace she brings

    Christa Eastman is on a mission to bring hope and healing to the grieving families and to the people of Uvalde. As a grieving mother herself, she is working to provide comfort to the people of Uvalde by bringing an Angel of Hope statue to the Uvalde City Cemetery through her fundraising efforts   “I’m a grieving mother myself. I have 18 angels in Heaven, 3 of which I have buried including my daughters twin brother. When I heard the awful event in Uvalde last year my daughter said to mom they need Hope in their city. We decided to see what we could do. I reached out to the mayor and immediately got a reply. They wanted to see Hope come and they had the perfect spot in the cemetery where most of the kids are laying to rest,” Eastman said.

 “The Christmas Box Angel Of Hope was started in 1994 in Salt Lake City, Utah by Richard Paul Evans. It was inspired by his book “The Christmas Box”, in this book a woman is seen mourning her child at a headstone with an angel on it. Well families started asking Evans where they could find the angel. So he went to work and the first angel was dedicated in Salt Lake in 1994. Today there are over 160 angels around bringing HOPE to families and communities, including one for Newtown CT where they also endured the shooting of elementary kids. The whole world watched that fateful day and our hearts went out to Uvalde.
Silver Springs Cemetery Stow, Ohio
  I also reached out to Shirley at Laguna Monument and they were immediately on board as well. We just felt we needed to help these families and the whole community there to have Hope & Healing. We’ve been visiting the Utah angels and have taken the photos of the Uvalde kids and teachers and took photos with them and the angel. We have also donated backpacks full of school supplies and hygiene kits in honor and in memory of the kids and teachers there in Uvalde to the Christmas Box House in Salt Lake,” she said.
 ” It will be a great monument for this community to help in their healing process. Once the money is raised the money will be given to the Christmas Box Angel Of Hope Foundation and the statue will be made and sent to Uvalde, TX and then we will have a dedication ceremony. The photo is of the Angel of Hope statue. We want to thank you all for helping bring Hope to this community that needs her. Thank you,: Eastman said.
  According to Uvalde Main Street Manager Gloria Resma, the City has already put a concrete slab at the cemetery to place the angel.


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