Senator Ted Cruz Delivers Floor Speech Celebrating Texas Rangers Bicentennial


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today delivered remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate celebrating the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Texas Ranger Division of the Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Rangers.

Sen. Cruz and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced the Texas Rangers Bicentennial Resolution this week, a resolution that commemorates the Texas Rangers. The bill honors the men and women, past and present, who have dedicated their lives to upholding public safety in the Lone Star State as peace officers in the Texas Ranger Division. Their resolution was unanimously agreed to by their colleagues, and passed the Senate.

Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) introduced the resolution in the House.

Following the speech, Sen. Cruz met with Major James Thomas, company commander of Texas Rangers, Company “F,” and other representatives and presented them with a commemorative copy of the resolution. Major James is officially representing the Texas Ranger Division in Washington, D.C. this week, and accepted the resolution on their behalf.

The Texas Ranger Division is the oldest state law enforcement agency in North America, established in 1823. They are internationally respected for: conducting major criminal investigations, suppressing organized crime, expertise with respect to special weapons and tactics, serving as bomb squads, special rapid response capabilities, crisis negotiation capabilities, joint intelligence center management, and investigating unsolved crimes.

About the resolution, Sen. Cruz said:

“I’m proud to honor this prestigious division of Texas law enforcement as it celebrates its 200th year of service to the Lone Star State and our Nation. The Rangers are a pillar of Texas, which has greatly contributed to the safety of Texans for two centuries. I look forward to their continued service for decades and centuries to come.”

Ranger Chief Jason Taylor said:

“On behalf of the more than 200 women and men in the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Ranger Division, I’d like to express our sincere gratitude toward Senators Cruz and Cornyn for this distinct honor. Like the Texas Rangers, Senators Cruz and Cornyn are fully committed to the rule of law and we are humbled that they would highlight the Rangers’ legacy and the work we do today to keep our state — and country — safe.”

Russell S. Molina, chairman of the Texas Ranger Bicentennial, said:

“With a year’s worth of events planned throughout Texas, to have this recognition in Washington, D.C. is certainly a highlight. It’s important that we commemorate the 200 years of service, as well as use this as an opportunity to educate, not only on the history, but also about the modern Ranger. Today’s Texas Rangers reflects the diversity, professionalism, and integrity you would hope to find in one of the world’s oldest – and finest – law enforcement organizations.”

View a picture of the presentation here.

Watch the speech here.


2023 marks 200 years since Stephen F. Austin formed the Texas Rangers to protect people who had settled in Texas, to protect them from outlaws and hostile attacks. 

Over the years, the duties of the Texas Rangers expanded, and they’ve played a key role in keeping Texas safe—from stopping an assassination attempt on President Taft to tracking down the infamous outlaws Bonnie and Clyde, to doing the hard, painstaking work to arrest the cult leader Warren Jeffs. The Rangers are critical to law and order in Texas, where rural counties often don’t have the resources they need to investigate crime. The Rangers are always ready to step in and serve. 

There’s an old line in the State of Texas: One Riot, one Ranger. That’s who the Texas Rangers are.

Mr. President, I’ve been to the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame in Waco, Texas, where the Rangers have done a wonderful job of preserving artifacts and telling the story of the Rangers. Anyone stopping through Waco should visit it. The story of the Rangers is the story of Texas, and in many ways, the American west. It’s a story about seeking freedom and it’s a story about courage. That’s why today I’m proud to introduce a resolution honoring the Bicentennial of the Texas Rangers, and in just a moment to propound a unanimous consent request in this body. 

I’m also proud to welcome here Major James Thomas to the Capitol. Major Thomas has served as a Ranger for eight years, and he’s the first Ranger to have a doctorate. Major Thomas, thank you for being here today and thank you for your years of distinguished service to the great State of Texas.

And to all the Rangers as we celebrate with you your 200th anniversary, congratulations, and thank you for your incredible service to Texas.

Read the full text of the Texas Rangers Resolution here.