Armadillo Day as a South Texas alternative to Groundhog Day?

It would make sense that a new day be created on September 2nd, called Armadillo Day.

  Earlier this month on February 2nd, Groundhog Day was observed. Each year on that Day in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvanian on Gobbler’s Knob, a big ceremony was held where the Town’s Mayor and a host of dignitaries assembled. This year, In front of a crowd of people in a televised event, Punxsutawney Phil came out of his den. He saw his shadow meaning there will be six more weeks of winter,
Since Southwest Texas and Uvalde know summer far better than winter, and that armadillos are burrowing animals like the groundhog, it would make sense that a new day be created on September 2nd, called Armadillo Day. On that day, if Armadillo Arnie sees his shadow, it would mean 6 more weeks of summer and Raspas!