Uvalde Hesperian

Man lucky to be alive after Tuesday afternoon Bull attack on Highway 90

Ramiro Gamez Jr. got out of his vehicle to warn oncoming traffic of loose bull

 Ramiro Gamez Jr. and Jessica Gamez were on Highway 90 between 2:00 PM and 2:05 PM  driving back from San Antonio from a doctor’s appointment there when the couple saw the bull on the highway. Ramiro got out of their vehicle in an effort to alert oncoming drivers of the hazard. At the time they arrived on the scene, she did not see any police officers or police cars.

“There was a sheriff who showed up not long after us trying to warn traffic on one side while my husband was trying to warn the other side since he was dodging back and forth. But no police showed up,” Jessica Gamez said.

  While her husband was out of the vehicle, the bull charged at him and threw him over the vehicle onto the pavement.

“Thank the lord he is alive!! My hubby is so selfless and was just trying to help make sure no one was injured themselves crashing into it or multiple vehicles. I can’t get the imagine out of my mind watching everything go down and getting to him fast enough. But I thank the ones who came to my side to keep him from moving and helping try to keep me calm especially being three months pregnant and tryna keep him relaxed till ambulance arrived. I just really really thank the Man above,” Jessica Gamez said.

Various individuals stopped to help shortly after the bull attack. 

“Yes a lady name Kathy helped bandage his head bc he was bleeding pretty good. Not long after EMS showed up and got him thing for his neck before placing him on stiff board and then moving stiff board to stretcher. EMS was pretty quick about arriving and getting him loaded and to hospital.

” But I am very thankful to Kathy bc I am 3 months pregnant and having her their really made me calm some. I don’t remember screaming or exactly what I was screaming. I know when she got to us I was able to snap out and we kept my husband calm bc he didn’t understand what was going on. Till now my husband doesn’t remember a lot from yesterday after being hit all way threw night of any conversations he had. He was transferred my ambulance and I took off in my truck, ” Jessica said.

  Jessica and her husband arrived at the hospital at 2:19 PM

According to Sheriff Ruben Nolasco, he was told the bull escaped from the Regal Meat Market to the east on Highway 90.

“We are finding out from workers at the meat market that bull wasn’t locked up correctly. After incident with my husband Ramiro Gamez Jr, the owner (of the meat market) was pissed and sent all workers home. Hubby is doing okay: 10 staples to the skull,” Jessica Gamez said.

“I never saw a cop the entire time and no one took our info either. Only the sheriff is who I saw,” she said.





Afternoon. We are finding out from workers at meat market that Bull wasn’t locked up correctly. After incident with my husband Ramiro Gamez Jr, owner was pissed and sent all workers home. Hubby is doing okay. 10 staples to skull

I say a little after 2. I was headed to the hospital by 219 and yes you may



By 215 sorry got to hospital at 219
I never saw a cop the entire time and no one took our info either. Only the sheriff is who I saw
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