KSAT 12 Report: No sign of forced entry at Dalton Elementary

Security Cameras being reviewed by District Officials

Photo Credit: KSAT 12

KSAT 12 Reporter Leigh Waldman reported on Twitter Tuesday, January 3rd, that Uvalde CISD is reviewing its cameras at the Dalton Elementary Campus.

LeighWaldman (@Leigh Waldman) Tweeted: “Chief Daniel Rodriguez says there’s no sign of forced entry into the school. He explained they’re taking these calls seriously and are ensuring kids are safe when they go back to school on Wednesday” https://twitter.com/leighwaldman/status/1610037854066860034?s=51&t=TGb6IU0mOp6JsZKqKkblig

In a second report Waldman wrote: “I’m told the district is in the process of checking their surveillance cameras now. At the districts end of year safety meeting, we were told 79 cameras were installed at Dalton Elementary”

The Uvalde Police Department posted this statement on its Facebook Page:

Update/Statement from Uvalde CISD: 1/2/2023 at 6:37 pm
On Monday, January 2, a school district holiday, the Dalton administration learned Uvalde Police Department received a report of a male subject wearing all black attempting to enter Dalton Elementary School. Uvalde Police Department Officers and Texas Department of Public Safety Troopers responded to the campus. Law enforcement searched the entire property and each classroom and found no evidence of anyone other than a teacher being in the building. We appreciate the swift action taken by both entities to address the report giving the all-clear for rooms and buildings.
Upon review of camera footage, the individual was walking outside the fence and had left the property’s perimeter before the authorities arrived. The individual was not seen on camera footage on campus or entering a classroom. We are thankful this report was resolved without harming students or staff. We encourage community members, students, parents, and staff to report threats, inappropriate actions, or behaviors they witness immediately. This is one way we can all work together to keep our schools safe.