Uvalde Hesperian

Salvation Army Campaign cut short by threat to Uvalde HS bell student bell ringers

Salvation Army bell ringers/. (WYDaily/ Courtesy of The Salvation Army)

Appeal to make up donation loss due to threat

The following was submitted by El Progreso Memorial Library Director Mendell Morgan

The traditional Salvation Army Red Kett]e Campaign for 2022 has ended in Uvalde.

Last summer, over $14,000 was given out in checks of $250 each or less to help Uvaldeans with rent, food, utilities and other essential assistance for expenses of those in crisis.  The money was largely collected from earlier Red Kettle Campaigns to which local people gave to help their local neighbors in need.

Again this year, most of the bell ringers were students from Uvalde High School who came with their faculty sponsors.  They have done a great job with their enthusiasm and even dressing as the Grinch!  About 3:10 p.m. on Saturday, one faculty sponsor called to say his students had gone home and he wanted to know how to get the kettles back as he needed to leave.  Mendell Morgan, Treasurer, for Uvalde Salvation Army, was surprised that the shift ended early, and then stunned to get the following text message from the teacher:

“Also sir just wanted to let you know that a man told us ’you should be shot for what you are doing’ and proceeded to make a gun sign with his hand and mock shoot me and my students.  It was reported to police.”  He went on to identify this man as maybe in his early 60’s, Caucasian and in a motorized wheelchair.  He is slender with a full beard.  This real Grinch was driving an older model silver colored Lincoln four-door sedan outfitted to tow a trailer, with handicapped Missouri license plate JN 48X.

This man has effectively stopped our efforts to raise needed money in the busiest and most productive giving time in the week before Christmas.  As such, we are issuing an appeal to those who would like to help make these donations up with a gift to provide funds for those in need through the Salvation Army assistance program.  Gifts may be made by checks sent to the Salvation Army in care of Mendell Morgan at El Progreso Memorial Library,301 West Main Street in Uvalde, Texas 78801.  

Cash gifts may also be brought to the library.   Gifts may be made and designated through CashApp on the library website and direct at the QR Code (in attachment below):

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