Oberlender addresses Uvalde School Board over “objectionable” library books

“We are finding books that are pornographic in our school libraries.”- Oberlender

 During the public comments portion of Monday Night’s Uvalde School Board meeting, Robert Oberlender spoke to school board members about books found in the Uvalde School libraries that contain content that he believes is not appropriate or suitable for students. 

  Oberlender introduced himself as a retired Natalia substitute teacher, a retired security consultant and educational consultant with the U.S. Army. He also said he is a member of the Medina Republican Party and an educational liaison for school boards in Medina County.

  Prior to speaking, Oberlender handed JJ Suarez handouts to be distributed to the other board members which contain two lists. The handout contains two lists. According to Oberlender, the first list contains the book title that he found in the Uvalde School libraries. The second list is a list created by the Make School Safe Again Project , MSSA, based out of Fredericksburg.

  “We are finding books that are pornographic, basically pornographic in the school libraries across the state. It’s not just your problem. We don’t think those books and others such as promotion of transgenderism, homosexuality, Black Lives Matter, and Critical Race Theory should be in the school libraries or our school curriculums. They are still in the school curriculums by the way. I know what publishers put in the lesson plans your school’s buy.  I’ve taught them.

  “The MSSA project provides a tool for parents and anyone else to go into the libraries on the internet and see what’s in the libraries: the school libraries,” he said. 

  All of us are worried about value sets. Everything our children learn in the schools, at home creates a person, an  individual, a  character. 

 “We believe that children need to be taught a core curriculum of reading, writing, mathematics, history, science, not Critical Race Theory, not Black Lives Matter, Not promotion of Transgenderism. “

At the MSSA website, the following link is provided to search for books at a school library.

Go to GoFollett.com and search your public school libraries.

Search of Books at Uvalde High School about Transgender People

Book List Page One of the Handout Oberlender provided the Uvalde CISD School Board