Uvalde Hesperian

Berlinda Arreola speaks to school board about campus officers on cell phones

Picture courtesy of Berlinda Arreola

Officer cell phone addiction may be undermining school security

Berlinda Arreola, the grandmother of Amarie Jo Garza who was one of the 19 who perished at the May 24th Robb School Massacre spoke to the Uvalde CISD Board at Monday night’s December 19th meeting,

Arreola then spoke about observing a police officer on the Flores Campus on his cell phone when they should be alert to security matters.

“Last week I went to pick up my granddaughter from Flores, and there was somebody ahead of me so I had to wait. While I was there waiting, there was this officer that was there and he sat on his phone and he’s on his phone looking down this whole entire time that I’m in line waiting. And then I get up, I go, and take the picture, and still, no look up, no nothing. ”

“There is also another picture that somebody else took that I was trying to get it was three officers that were sitting in the cafeteria doing the same thing on their phones the whole entire time, no looking up; not protecting,” she said.

She went on to say, “They are not paying attention to our students.”


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