Christmas Parade on North Getty Street followed by downtown shopping, snow slide, cakewalk and pictures with Santa
The City of Uvalde and several organizations have teamed up to put on a multi-faceted Christmas at the Crossroads event to be held this Friday, December 2nd beginning at 6PM in Downtown, Uvalde.
With Friday evening’s Newspapers in Education Christmas at the Crossroads Parade slated to start about 6:30 PM, preparations will begin at 1 pm that same day according to a Facebook post by the Mainstreet Uvalde:
“Friday, December 2, 2022, the Christmas at the Crossroads parade will start around 6:30 p.m. The City is asking that all vehicles be removed on the 100 block of N. Getty and around the County Courthouse/Kincaid area and the Plaza starting at 1 p.m. We encourage shoppers to use the City Parking lot located on the 100 block of East Nopal Street. Businesses will still be open for business.”
Newspapers in Education Christmas on the Crossroads Parade
Uvalde Leader-News NIE Coordinator Olga Charles said, ” Will start at 6:30 from the corner of Leona and North Getty Street. Going South on Getty to the Town Square.” When asked if the Uvalde CISD school groups will be participating the parade, she stated that all campuses are participating including Uvalde High School athletics and dancers, Morales Cheerleaders, Flores Teachers, Uvalde Campus Choir, Uvalde Dual Language Academy Teachers and also participants from the Dalton Elementary School Campus.
El Progreso Memorial Library Cakewalk
According to El Progreso Memorial Library Director Mendell Morgan, the Cake Walk will be located in front of the old Horner Building, West Street on Plaza to start when the Parade comes to an end.
“It works like musical chairs around a circle with numbered squares. When the music stops, whoever is on the chosen square wins that round. It is $2 per song to participate. There will be a delightful variety of delicious homemade and store bought cakes, cup cakes and cookie plates. It’s tons of fun and raises money as operational funds for the library,” Morgan said. Olga Charles added that cakes for the cake walk are all homemade by members of the Ladies’ Club.
Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce Snow Slide
Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce Director John Yeackle said the Snow Slide will be about 12 feet tall and consist of 20,000 lbs of ice. Setup for the slide will begin earlier that afternoon. Additionally, the slide will be located near the Uvalde Leader-New and the Kincaid Building. The cost of admission to ride the slide is 1 canned food item. For every can good collected, the Chamber will match 2 canned food items and HEB will match 3 items. The canned food items will then be donated to the Uvalde Food Pantry.
Vendors on Market Plaza
“There will be an estimated 40 vendors around the square,” Olga Charles said. According to additional information from the event flier, there will be food and drinks, holiday crafts and light up toys.
Uvalde Grand Opera House Pictures with Santa
According to a Facebook post by the Uvalde Grand Opera House: Pictures with Santa will be in the Opera House during Christmas at the Crossroads on Friday December 2!
Pre-Register for a guaranteed time slot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/…/pictures-with-santa…
All festivities will end at 9 PM according to Olga Charles.