Uvalde County Election Office Posts election results immediately on their Facebook Page and Website

No need to leave home to get tonight’s election results fast.

What is the fastest way to learn the election results after the results are tallied by the officials of the Uvalde County Election Office?

According to Melissa Jones-Bradham the County Election Coordinator, all results are posted immediately on the Uvalde County Elections Facebook Page and Website.

The Uvalde County Elections website can be found at www.uvaldecounty.com

“We post them to our website and Facebook page as they come in. Anyone can see them there,” said Jones-Bradham.

Additionally, the Uvalde Hesperian will be covering the election tonight in real time and will be posting election results on the Uvalde Hesperian Facebook Page.

Traditionally, Candidates, supporters and voters gather outside on North East Street in front of the Uvalde Leader-News offices and outside of the Uvalde County Courthouse as the votes are posted.

According to the Uvalde County Election offices, election results are posted in public immediately when the information becomes available and no news reporting entity is given exclusive early access to the vote totals and election results.