Uvalde Hesperian

Uvalde City Council Drama: Diana Olvedo Karau and Mayor Don McLaughlin butt heads again

Mayor and City Attorney tell Karau to “Sit down”; Mayor accuses Karau of “stirring things up.”

Tonight’s Uvalde City Council Meeting. Diana Olvedo-Karau told to ” Sit down” by City Mayor and City Attorney Don McLaughlin. Karau was asking questions on the status of the City’s investigation of its police force. Mayor McLaughlin accused Karau of “stirring things up.”

Karau spoke during a public comments time at near the beginning of tonight’s Uvalde City Council meeting. Karau asked the Mayor on the status of the investigation. She brought up that the Texas DPS had already identified several officers during it’s investigation who could face disciplinary action.

McLaughlin stated the City’s independent investigation of its police department is ongoing and has faced numerous obstacles getting started.

Karau was also informed her 3-minutes was up as a Uvalde Police officer approached her at the podium.

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