Shooting at Memorial Park leaves two injured. Officials suspect the incident is gang related.

Two females sit nearby a vehicle as it is being searched by police

 At approximately 5:30 PM Thursday evening Uvalde Police received a call about a shooting at Memorial Park in Uvalde.  According to several sources, the shooting likely involved two rival gangs. According to Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin who was at the scene of the incident, he stated the altercation could also be connected to a previous gang fight which happened in the area. A bystander at Memorial Park mentioned a fight which occurred Wednesday near the Ssgt. Willie de Leon Civic Center where a fight occurred “old style” with combatants using bats.

  According to two female walkers who were at the park, they told the Uvalde Hesperian they saw a picnic table with several high school age students near the crime scene who were detained by police for a time and later released. Behind the police lines a red Chevrolet sedan with the driver side door was open. Also located inside the crime scene tape was what appeared to be a backpack lying on the ground.  Near the scene, another car was seen with all its doors open being searched by police as two females sat on the curb. 

  According to the Uvalde Police Facebook page update posted at 8:46 PM, It stated that four suspects are in custody and being questioned about the shooting. 

 According to McLaughlin, he stated two individuals were shot and transported to the hospital. According to a report by ABC News, “Two victims have been air-lifted to San Antonio Memorial Hospital following a shooting Thursday in Uvalde, Texas, police said.”

  In the statement issued by the Uvalde Police Department on Facebook, “If you have information on this incident or crime in general, you can also report it anonymously through the SaferWatch app which will go directly to the Uvalde Police Department.”



Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin speaks with a member of law enforcement at Memorial Park following the shooting

Police vehicles on the scene at Memorial Park