Uvalde Hesperian

Several voice objection to $27 billion dollar class action lawsuit at Uvalde City Council Meeting

Attorney Charles Bonner seen at Uvalde CISD School Board standing next to Daniel Meyer

Several audience members at the Uvalde City Council shouted: “They went to the media first before they talked to us.”

 The lead attorney, Charles Bonner, spearheaded the $27 billion dollar class-action lawsuit against the Uvalde City Council and the Uvalde CISD was in attendance at last night’s Tuesday, August 23rd city council meeting.  Just one day before on Monday, August 22nd,  the litigating attorney attended the Uvalde CISD school board meeting and once the meeting was over it was reported the school board was served with paperwork providing official notification to the district they were being sued for their culpability in the events of May 21 Robb School massacre. 

  In an unexpected move, an audience member who got up and spoke to the city council left the public podium, carrying papers and handing them to Mayor Don McLaughlin and Uvalde City Council members without any words about what the speaker was doing. 

 Following this action, some voices from the audience including some family members of those lost in the school shooting, shouted to the council that they weren’t consulted first, claiming the attorneys went to the media first with the lawsuit. They (the attorneys) with the litigating firm based in California didn’t talk to us first. It was a new indication the families and locals may be distancing themselves from this massive class action lawsuit. 

 In the legal claim submitted to the Uvalde CISD school board the claim reads: 

“Claimants and Does 1-500, whose identities and addresses are attached hereto as Appendix A, by their undersigned counsel, intend to file claims against the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District, and will do so in compliance with the Texas Tort Claim notice procedure. The damages and/or injuries claimed are as follows:”

  The claim refers to Appendix A which is said to contain the identities and addresses of the claimants of the lawsuit. However, the Uvalde Hesperian was not provided with Appendix A. Who are the claimants Bonner and Bonner are representing in this class action lawsuit?



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