Report: Police laugh at mother with young child asking for help with dog outside of Uvalde CISD School Board meeting

“I asked them for help or to he the dog when I was passing them and they laughed and said no. Shouldn’t be suprised tho,” she said.

   Angelita Rodriguez and her kindergarten-age daughter were leaving Monday night’s  Uvalde CISD school board meeting at about 6:35 PM when they are approached and threatened by a loose dog just outside of the Benson Boardroom, According to Rodriguez who described the incident said, “Yes it was about to jump on her and she was scared and (the dog) started trying to run up my kid, so I did try to shoo it off but that didn’t work either. I asked them for help or to he the dog when I was passing them and they laughed and said no. Shouldn’t be surprised tho,” she said.

   In a comment Rodriguez posted on a Uvalde Hesperian Facebook news post about the police presence at the school board meeting Rodriguez wrote:

 “On my way out I ask(ed) the Uvalde Police for help they literally laughed and watched a dog chase my kid. My next grievance is coming soon.”

  While Michael Robinson, the reporter for the Uvalde Hesperian was inside Benson Boardroom, he noticed a medium-sized dog through the window on the door facing out towards another building on the school’s campus where a dog was right outside the door of another building where there was a restroom people were going to. ” I heard some noises outside and police officers moving around and saw a tan looking dog outside of the door. I suspected a stray dog was following people leaving the Benson Boardroom going to use the restroom facilities,” he said. 

 “This happened during the time when the school board was meeting behind closed doors during the executive session. ” he said.


Police officers stationed inside near the door of the Media entrance to the Benson Boardroom