Independent investigation approved by Uvalde Commissioners Court after discussion and public comments

by Jennifer Gilliland

  The Uvalde Commissioners’ court met Monday, August 22, 2022, to discuss and approve several different items on this week’s agenda. First, upon persistent public urging Commissioner Garza appealed to the court to hire an independent investigator to gain clarity along with a better understanding of the facts regarding the May 24th Massacre. Commissioner Yeackle supported the motion but emphasized the importance of not impeding in any ongoing investigations. Noting that the County is its own entity. He said all the facts must come to light including the “Good, bad, and ugly”, so this never happens again. Next, the annual budget was approved with a 3% raise to county officials; this increase has been in  effect since the COVID pandemic.

  A motion was made to reevaluate the budget next year to include the clerical staff in raises.   The court was advised on the upcoming November elections. Rita Verstuyft ,Tax assessor/collector and the Sheriff’s office motioned the court to increase their fees for certain services in their offices which was approved.