Texas House Special Committee speaks to media at Sunday Press Conference. Mayor McLaughlin shows up. Robb family members speak.

Wild press conference features emotional speech by Rep Joe Moody. Robb Father says he was kicked out of family meeting at SWTJC, Mayor McLaughlin announces City will start own investigation into City’s Police Department


   The Special Texas House Committee met with the media this afternoon at 4 PM at the Ssgt. Willie de Leon Civic Center at 4 PM today for a special press conference following the preliminary investigation report released earlier today. Following the May 24th, Robb Elementary School Shooting the Texas House of Representatives commissioned a special committee to investigate the Robb School Massacre. This committee met behind closed doors reviewing the evidence and interviewing officers, witnesses and other information. 

   At 1:30 PM today, the three person committee met briefly in the Cactus Room of the Civic Center to accept the preliminary report. 

  The press conference today was attended by TV stations from around the state as well from national news affiliates. Before the press conference began, Alfred Garza III asked the House Press Director if parents could also ask questions to the panel along with the media. He was told the family members had a chance to ask questions at the special meeting for them held earlier in the day. Garza then said he was kicked out of that meeting and reporters soon approached him with cell phone cameras and microphones wanting to hear what happened. Garza later stated his name was not on the list of family members and was escorted out. 

  Later after the House Press conference concluded Mayor Don McLaughlin arrived and sat down in the center of the press conference table. McLaughlin told the press the City of Uvalde has decided to go ahead with its own investigation into the Uvalde Police Department and will move to release body camera video from the officers. He also stated that Lt. Mariano Pargas, the acting City Police Chief during the Robb School Shooting, was suspended following the state’s probe findings. Mariano Pargas is running for Uvalde County Commissioner on the November ballot. McLaughlin continued by saying the 38th District Attorney Busbee was not following through with her directives and warnings about keeping investigation details from being released.  Previously the Mayor stated that Busbee has warned him and other City Council members not to disclose any information on the ongoing investigation or conduct its own investigation of the City’s Police Department and if they did, they could face criminal charges for obstruction of justice. 


NBC Reporter presses House Panel for answers

A reporter from the back asks a question
Mayor Don McLaughlin arrives after Texas House committee press conference,