Hundreds march up South Getty to plaza demanding change and accountability

A group of several hundred marched up South Getty Street and approached the Uvalde Downtown Plaza chanting “No Justice, No Peace” with many holding hand made signs and pictures of the 21 children and teachers slain at Robb School on the morning of May 24th, 2022. The large crowd quickly filled the downtown plaza. Democratic Candidate for Governor Beto O’Rourke walked with the other marchers as several news photographers stayed close by the Texas Gubernatorial candidate.

Several members of the Brown Berets marched with the crowds and were seen close to the stage and podium as the rally began. Family members of those slain at Robb School each took turns speaking to the large crowd of people in attendance with some speaking in anger and some through tears of sorrow.

The rally was also attended by Texas Democratic Candidate John Lira who is running for the 38th District U.S. Congressional seat against Republican Tony Gonzales.

By the prevailing messages calling for more gun control and criticism against Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and with the rally attended by a majority of Democratic Party supporters, it was clear the rally was distinctly partisan favoring the Democratic platform.