Uvalde CISD Board Members hear blistering criticism from Open Forum speakers

Emotional Open Forum statements followed by stoic school board members considering mostly routine school business agenda items

  Family members of those slain at Robb Elementary School as well as community members leveled harsh criticism toward Uvalde CISD School Superintendent Dr. Hal Harrell and the panel of elected school board members earlier this evening at the John Harrell Auditorium during tonight’s school board meeting.

  Jesus Rios was one of the first to speak at the podium. “When you decided to run for school board, you took an oath.  At one point or another, we’re going to have to decide if we are going to hold them accountable.  At one point or another, you may be asked to resign, Mr. Harrell. How is Mr. Arredondo still with this program?  Rios asked.

  “We were failed by Pete Arredondo, By keeping him on your staff, you are failing us.” Brett Cross said.

   Next was a speaker named Brenda. “You do everything you want to make us happy. It’s not going to work. We want accountability.”

   She went on to say, “We all know this was handled wrong. We’re here because we have to speak for our children. Make these people accountable!”

  The 16 year old surviving daughter of Irma Garca, Liliana Garcia who also lost her father, Joe Garcia to a heart attack just days after her mother was slain at Robb Elementary School.

  “She went above and beyond, 23 years as an educator. She protected all of her students with her last breath. I needed you there. My mother was murdered.” said Liliana. Liliana spoke about the challenges she faces each day raising her 12 year old sister without her mother and father.  “We were all excited to celebrate their 25 anniversary. It will not take place.:  My mother died protecting her students, but who protected my Mom?”

  Monica Saiz-Martinez , who now resides in Knippa, spoke about growing up next to Robb School. She said. “That day should never have happened.” She said . She also stated Robb School should have had officers there as bail outs which had happened over the past year near the school . In one such bailout, the suspect crashed his car at the same fence as the gunman crashed his truck the day of the shooting.  Saiz-Martinez works at Hillcrest Funeral Home across from Robb School.  “Nobody was there protecting the students.” She said.

“That gate was constantly open.” she said referring to the gate on the fence near the building where the gunman entered the building.

  Living in Knippa, she contrasted Knippa ISD School buildings to Uvalde CISD school buildings.  She said the Knippa schools are hard to get into, She suggested to the Uvalde CISD school board that they need to contact Knippa School ISD administrators and learn how it’s done. She went on to say. Last school year, Uvalde County Sheriff Ruben Nolasco committed his Sheriff’s Office to protecting Knippa ISD schools 24/7.

   Saiz-Martinez concluded her remarks by saying. ” I think prayer should be brought back to school.”

  Following the Open Forum remarks. the school board proceeded onto the next items on the agenda for that evening. including school transportation. the district’s investment activities, student attendance and discipline, along with a long list of business items mostly unrelated to the May 24th Massacre and the Uvalde CISD School Police.

  It was reported that those following the school board meeting on the Live Feed had trouble hearing what was said at the meeting due to the sound being set so low.