Vote effectively ends decades long working relationship with the Uvalde Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
After hearing a detailed presentation on the current marketing strategies by a board member of the Uvalde Convention and Visitors Bureau and then a follow-up presentation by Uvalde Chamber of Commerce Executive Director John Yeackle the Uvalde City Council voted approve a new contract with the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce to administer the city’s tourism promotion funded by Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT Tax). With Mayor Don McLaughlin and Councilman Stephen Balke absent from tonight’s city council meeting, the City Council was comprised of Councilman Rogelio M. Muñoz serving as Mayor Pro Tem, Councilman Hector R. Luevano, Councilman Everardo “Lalo” Zamora and Councilman Earnest “Chip” King.
Accompanied by Main Street Manager Susan Rios, Uvalde CVB board member Al Ortiz brought up new marketing strategies as well as a billboard located in San Antonio featuring the “Only in Uvalde” theme.
See accompanying video of the Uvalde CVB Presentation.
At the previous City Council Meeting on Tuesday, April 26th, Uvalde Chamber of Commerce executive director pitched a proposal to the Council to enter into a year and a half contractual agreement with the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce to administer the city’s tourism with HOT Tax monies. At that meeting the council did not take any action.
Following Yeakle’s remarks on why the city council should vote to contract with the Uvalde City Council, the council members weighed in on the matter.
“At no time did the City Council or staff go to the Chamber of Commerce.” King said
“We’ve appointed a subcommittee. Things are in turmoil right now thanks to the Chamber of Commerce.” King said. He went on to say this is not an emergency.
“The Chamber decided to disrespect…did a run-around. That’s pretty damned disrespectful. There is no reason to do this.” King said.
Councilman Zamora said, “They should be working together. (referring to the Chamber of Commerce and the Uvalde Convention and Visitors Bureau) “Together we can make Uvalde beautiful: attractive.” he said.
Yeackle said, referring to the Chamber of Commerce, “We’ve increased revenue by 224%,. We’re retiring debt. We’re running the Chamber like a business.”
Councilman Luevano said, “He’s willing and able to move forward with this. Let’s give him an opportunity to work it.”
After a discussion on the Chamber’s proposal, the City Council entered into an executive session to consult with the city’s attorney.
After reconvening into open session, the council discussed having a contract stipulation added where after 3 months, the city council could evaluate how things are going and could opt out of the contract with the Uvalde Chamber of Commerce. Under this new contract the City of Uvalde would take in the Uvalde Main Street Program which was previously a part of the Uvalde Convention and Visitors Bureau.
See accompanying video of City Council vote
Al Ortiz addresses City Council on Behalf of Uvalde CVB
Chamber Director John Yeakle Speaks to City Council
Main Street Manager Susan Rios Speaks on behalf of Uvalde CVB
Coty Council Votes on Agenda Item