Urgent Care Services lag behind new hospital opening

  Prior to the grand opening of the Uvalde Memorial Hospital’s new building on March 29th, 2022, there were plans to include an Urgent Care Service  in addition to the Emergency Room.  If one enters the hospital through the Emergency Room entrance,  the Urgent Care signage is covered up. 

What happened to the Urgent Care Clinic? 

   “The Urgent Care services for Uvalde Memorial Hospital will be a new service, and is currently being reviewed for optimum operation.  There are very defined rules and regulations on how a medical facility utilizes Emergency Services vs. Urgent Care Services. “ 

  “We are in the process of defining these regulations and working with all parties to put the correct processes in place.  Since we have an already established Emergency Service, we carried this service over to the new facility to make sure we did not have interruptions in emergency service to the community. “

 “We hope to have an answer to whether we will be able to operate an Urgent Care Service as soon as possible.”   said Gabriela L. Anfinsen, Executive Assistant to CEO Tom Nordwick.