Governor Greg Abbot just spoke at live news conference at 3 PM today held in Weslaco after a coming to Uvalde for a roundtable discussion at noon today at the Uvalde County Fairplex with elected officials from Uvalde County as well as several surrounding counties including, Real, Zavala, Edwards, Kenney and Frio County. Governor Abbott came to Uvalde to discuss and address local issues including migrant foot traffic, bail-outs and migrants being dropped off in Uvalde according to Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin in a phone interview.
Don Mclaughlin said one of the new actions the State of Texas would be doing to help Uvalde would be to provide bus transportation for migrants being dropped off in Uvalde alleviating the expense from local monies being used to fund buses to transport migrants out of town to San Antonio.
McLaughlin stated many of the migrants coming to Texas and the United States are single men rather than families who are coming without any means of support and cannot legally work in the US.
From Governor Abbott’s meeting with local and county officials
in Uvalde which lasted about 2 hours, according to McLaughlin, Abbott boarded a plane to Weslaco where he was scheduled to speak at a live news conference at 3 PM the same day.
At the news conference, Abbott said the State of Texas would start arranging bus transportation for migrants and would start sending the busses full of migrants to Washington D,C. Later, when asked what would be the first destination for the buses, Governor Abbott said, it would be the steps of the U.S. Capitol.
Abbott the State of Texas would implement several news strategies in responding to the migrant crisis at the Texas border including the following:
New Enhanced Safety Inspections of vehicles entering the United States at International border crossings. Abbott said this action would dramatically slow traffic into the United States from Mexico.
- State to provide busses to local officials to transport migrants to Washington D.C.
- Governor Abbott and Mayor McLaughlin both mentioned the end of Title 42 in May. Last Friday, President Joe Biden announced the his administration plans on ending the Title 42 policy at the end of May 2022.
- State to Light Migrant Routes neat the International Border at Night
- Texas to add boat blocade to Rio Grande River ; Razor Wire or Concertina Wire near the Rio Grand River’s edge
- State to provide riot gear tp Texas DPS and National Guard Members.
According to blog/title42/
Title 42 is part of U.S. health law, specifically Section 262 of U.S. Code Title 42 which prohibits entry into the United States when the Director for Disease Control believes “there is a serious danger to the introduction of [a communicable] disease into the United States.” Essentially, depending on the health situation, the U.S. is able to prohibit entry to anyone except U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their spouses and children. “
According to a Fox News report, The Biden Administration announced on Friday April 1st, 2022 , it plans to lift Title 42 at the end of May 2022.
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