City Ok’s two requests to remove Heritage Trees

City Council approves two requests to remove Heritage Trees from properties.

After a discussion, the Uvalde City Council voted to approve two agenda items allowing a local resident and the Uvalde Memorial Hospital to remove several heritage trees from their respective properties. 

Before voting on the tree removal agenda items, the city council considered factors pertaining to the trees, including the City of Uvalde being a “Tree City” and the benefits of the trees vs. the safety concerns of the property owner and that fact the trees were on private property. 

First, the council approved a request from Paul Ede to remove 3 oak trees from 409 North Park Street acting on his tree removal permit application submitted to the City of Uvalde. 

Ede addressed the council citing safety concerns about 3 heritage trees located in the homeowner’s back yard.  The homeowner explained to the council his concern was falling branches potentially falling on his children and house. According to Ede, the biggest tree has a diameter of 48 inches. He went on to say some of the branches are as high as 100 ft up in the air. He also said the trees in question are living Oak Trees but there is a hazard of falling branches. “The back yard is where the kids spend all their time.” Ede said.

According to a statement made at the city council meeting, this definition was given to the council: Heritage trees are Live Oaks, Elms and Cypress trees 24’ in diameter. 

“If we say he can’t cut those trees and then later we have a big storm…” Mayor Don McLaughlin said.

Councilman Steven Balke followed by saying: “We have to think about his safety as well,”

Ede also informed the council he was planning on planting back new trees.

“It’s that wind the trees stop. Trees do a lot for the city.” Councilman Chip King said.

A second tree removal agenda item was then considered by the council

“Consider request from Uvalde Memorial Hospital to remove 4 heritage trees, 3 oak trees and 1 pecan tree. Business of the Council Report – Business of the Council Report-22-036 – Pdf “

According to a City of Uvalde Business of the Council report it states under background: “UMH wants to removal (remove) 4 heritage trees, 3 Oaks and 1 Pecan in order to proceed with the demolition of the old hospital and the building of the new parking lot.  The trees are located on the hospital grounds.  

This Heritage Oak tree is located by the wound care on Puccini Lane, the diameter was over 48 inches.

The Pecan tree located between both buildings, 36 inches in diameter