Uvalde Honey Festival gets green light from city council on plaza alcohol sales

The Uvalde City Council approved a request from the Uvalde Honey Festival, Inc. to serve and sell alcohol at Downtown Plaza Square during the 3rd Annual Honey Festival to be held June 10th and 11th.

According to Honey Festival Organizer Lacie Huddleston, the council seemed very supportive of the Uvalde Honey Festival during the discussion of the issue.

Following the meeting, Councilman Chip King said, “We think any festival that draws our citizens and people from out our town deserve our 100% support and they need to be able to grow.”

King went on to say, “The Honey Festival draws on our history and I hope it can grow and become a sustained annual event.”

In other business, the City Council approved awarding a bid for a project to repair turret roof, gutter structure at the Uvalde Grand Opera House.

When asked when the work on the Opera House might start, King said, “I hear it should be very quick as they can schedule (it) soon. Plus, we should be moving in the next few months on having the entire structure repainted.