UC Commissioners Approve County Burn Ban and New UC Fairplex Lighting

  A burn ban is now in effect for Uvalde County as of approximately 10:30 am today. The decision was made by the Uvalde County Commissioners at their regularly scheduled meeting today. 

   Other business included the approval to replace the current lighting fixtures over the indoor arena at the Uvalde County Fairplex.

   Fairplex Director Wendy Speer joined the meeting via video. 

  In her request to the court, she stated the current lights would flicker and take 15-20 minutes to turn on. According to Uvalde County Judge Bill Mitchell, the Commissioners Court received one bid from Angel Light and Signs for the job of replacing the current lighting fixtures with LED lighting. 

  The job would include installation and hardware for the job for approximately $44,000 dollars. County Judge Bill Michell asked Speer if the current lighting were to go out during an event, could it cause a safety concern for event participants? 

“Exactly.” Spear answered.

  The motion to approve the bid was approved by the commissioners with the exception of the 50% deposit requested by Angel Light and Signs.

  Following other agenda items, the Uvalde County Commissioners adjourned and reconvened again at the Uvalde Memorial Hospital to go on a guided tour of the new hospital facility which was led by Hospital CEO Tom Nordwick. 

Burn Ban

No fire sign. Simple vector illustration of a flame in flat style
UMH Director Tom Nordwick explains the features of the new CT scanning machine at the new hospital facility

Fairplex Director Wendy Speer- Image from UC Fairplex Website

UC Fairplex Director Wendy Speer