Uvalde City Council denies request to change its landfill policy

February 17, 2022

By Michael Robinson

After discussion of a request made by Langtry Walker from Walker Disposal, the Uvalde City Council voted to deny the request at the Tuesday, February 8th meeting.

Walker addressed the council stating he was “turned around from utilizing the city landfill due to being a business.”

Juan Zamorra, the City Director of Public Works for the City, stated that other businesses have approached over the years with roll-offs but have been rejected. “The issue was decided many years ago.” He said.

Walker followed Zamorra’s statements with his own.

“Multiple businesses already use the landfill for commercial purposes. Walker said.

He went on to say to the council he’s seen the roll-off trailers.

Wikipedia: Roll Off :

In North America, a roll-off is a usually open top dumpster characterized by a rectangular footprint, utilizing wheels to facilitate rolling the dumpster in place. The container is designed to be transported by special roll-off trucks. There are two types of delivery trucks for the bins based on bin size and they are: Hook lift bins and Roll-off bins Roll-offs are commonly used to contain loads of construction and demolition waste or other waste types. Source

Zamorra indicated with a gesture that was not the case.

“You have cameras: check them.” Walker said.

In a response to Walker’s request, Mayor Don McLaughlin said, “It’s rotten timing.” Mayor Don McLaughlin said, in reference to the previous City Council landfill policy decision made on January 25th, 2022.

According the approved minutes from the January 25th, 2022 Uvalde City Council meeting, it reads:

Consider changes to monthly clean-up service. 6.B. 6.C. 6.D.

Juan Zamora, Director of Public Works explained to Mayor and Council that the monthly clean—up takes place every first Saturday of the month. This event has been provided for the citizens of Uvalde from the past 12 years give or take. There have been instances in which individuals abuse the monthly clean-up and take multiple large loads to the landfill. Due to that and limited landfill space, Mr. Zamora is proposing to change the monthly clean-up to a quarterly clean-up. Space at the landfill is limited and according to last year’s report, there are approximately 5 years of land life left. Staff Is working on proper documentation for obtaining more land, hoping that in the next 6 months there should be a draft permit to submit. Motion to approve item 6A and change monthly clean-up to a quarterly clean—up made by Councilman Chip King. Motion seconded by Councilman Stephen Balke. Motion carried 6-0.

The municipal landfill is located at 3774 FM 381 in Uvalde, Texas 78801

After the February 14th City Council meeting, Langtry Walker responded via an email request for additional comments by the Uvalde Hesperian.

He wrote, “We do pick up from county residents. The only difference I have between the county and their trash pick up is I go to the people and they pay me monthly to use a can or dumpster or a roll off. I serve everywhere in Uvalde County except for the city limits of Uvalde, I was told I was not allowed in the city limits.”

“In my opinion if the city is so concerned they should kick everyone out besides city residents. That includes the county, county residents, and outside businesses. Other businesses going in there with construction waste are fine to them according to the dump supervisor, however my business is singled out because I haul “municipal waste” according to TCEQ definition.” Walker wrote.

In a follow-up phone conversation with Mayor Don McLaughlin, He said, “His (Walker’s) timing was just bad. We have the additional (landfill) cell, we just have to get it approved by the TEQ.” (Texas Commission for Environmental Quality)

Saturday, February 19th, 2022

Supplemental Information about the Uvalde Landfill from Uvalde City Manager Vince DiPiazza

“As for who, it’s Uvalde residents and businesses, of course, and our collection operation that services the city and some of the area around the city. Individual county residents are welcome to dispose of waste, as well as the waste that comes from the drop-off locations that the county operates. No commercial haulers from the county or beyond.

The basic charge for disposal at the landfill is $45 per ton.

You are correct in stating that the monthly free disposal offered to city residents was changed from monthly to quarterly.

The landfill site is about 118 acres. That is not all disposal area, but includes staging, processing, and stockpiling, too.”